From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Tuesday 30 April 2013

May already...

So 3 weeks today, I fly home.

Can't believe how quickly time has gone by! Mixed feelings about going home, I can't wait to see my family and close friends... and obviously, wee Bella the pup! But I've experienced so much here, and met so many great people, that it will be sad to leave. Walter Schupfer management, where I'm interning, have all been so welcoming and great fun over the past 10 weeks, that it will be sad leaving them too! Who knows, I could be back soon working for them!

Already, May is shaping up to be a busy month, with Willie's brother, Alexander and his girlfriend visiting tomorrow through until next Tuesday, which will be great! Then the following week, our great friend Jamie and his girlfriend are over to visit for the week! Willie and I have discovered so many great places that we are desperate to share with these guys.

Next thing I know, I'll be boarding the plane on the 22nd, crying like a little baby as I wave goodbye to Willie and Lennart!

Hopefully the weather in Oban is like it is below, throughout all of Summer!

Sunny back garden, Oban

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