From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

God vs Satan

The subways are full of serious religious people, who spend their entire day underground, mumbling away about how we will all die if we don't follow Jesus, while thousands of people walk past and ignore them.

I have nothing against religion... I think it's great that people believe in something that makes them happy and gives them faith, but don't try and force your beliefs onto others, or tell them they'll rot in hell if you don't believe the same things they do. Let people decide themselves.

A great quote I came across recently was on Ricky Gervais' new show 'Derek' which sums it up;

“I don’t think it matters if there is a god or not. I’ve met people who believe in god that are good and that are bad. And I’ve met people who don’t believe in god that are good and that are bad. So, just be good. I’m good. Not because I think I’ll go to heaven but because when I do something bad, I feel bad. And when I do something good, I feel good"

- Derek

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