From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Tuesday 21 May 2013

256a Reunion in New York!

Jamie and his girlfriend Kayleigh arrived on Monday to spend the week with us before traveling Mexico. Willie, Jamie and I were living together in our last year in Aberdeen, so it was great to all be in the same place again!

The first few days were roasting, and we all got a good wee tan! Unfortunately Willie had to work during the week, so it was only the 3 of us exploring on Mon - Fri. Great days out during the week, finished with a BBQ, overlooking manhattan from the Brooklyn Bridge park at the other side of the water.

Typically it rained over the weekend... We had planned to spend the day recovering from the night before, on the beach in Coney Island, but the torrential rain changed our minds. On Jamie and Kayleigh's last night, they treated us to an unbelievable Thai meal just round the corner from the flat. Definitely sad to see them go!

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