From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Sunday 31 March 2013

Lazy Sunday

Another busy week at work complete. Very scary to think that Willie and I have been working for a full month now! This weekend was quiet in comparison to previous ones, Today we decided to try out the Moma PS1, which is associated with the Moma (Museum of Modern Art) in Manhattan. The PS1 is 5 minutes from where we are living, and because we are local residents, we get in for free. So we thought we'd have a cheap day and try it out...

Sunday 24 March 2013

Assisted on a photo shoot for the 1st time!

This week I assisted my first Photoshoot with photographer 'Mani Zarrin' in one of New York's premier Italian furniture stores based on Madison Avenue. It was a full day from 9am-8pm and was a brilliant experience. Learned so much, and Mani and his team were great! I was even asked back with a few of the crew to the photographers rooftop apartment for a beers, wit some of the best views of the city. It was amazing! Hopefully manage to get another assisting job soon!

Brooklyn Heights

Some of the best views of the city from Brooklyn Heights, stayed here to watch the sunset before heading down under the Brooklyn bridge to take some photos!

We like sports

The public sports facilities here in New York are amazing. There are so many basketball courts, football pitches and tennis courts scattered around everywhere and all free to use. None of them are damaged or vandalised which is something you see so often in the Uk... It kills me that I can't play football on some of the pitches because of my knee injury, as these are some of the best pitches iv ever seen... And not a bad view either!!

Saturday 23 March 2013

Sunny day in Soho

I work next to Soho and Chinatown... Amazing place when the weathers good! Hopefully springs on its way now!

Sunday 17 March 2013

New York red bulls

Yesterday we watched New York Redbulls vs DC united... Full time score was 0-0, which was a bit of a bummer, but an exciting game, even though Thierry Henry was a massive let down!! Great atmosphere in the stadium, slightly different and quite tame compared to an Edinburgh derby...

Lewis & Niall in New York

Late on Thursday night, Lewis and his friend Niall came over for a 5night visit! After work I met the guys for a drink, and decided to take them to a small bar off Times Square which offers $2.50 pints (about £1.60) And free hot dogs with any drink!

Great time for the guys to be over here, with St. Patrick's day over the weekend and plenty of sport to keep us occupied too!

The Diner...

Nevermind the Empire State or Chrysler buildings, Grand Central station or the Statue of liberty. Out of all the places we've visited, our favourite place in New York has to be 'Court Square Diner' around the corner from us... 'We just love that diner'. Here she is in all her glory...

Sunday 10 March 2013

Williamsburg, Brooklyn

We found this great place in Williamsburg with a rooftop beer garden over looking manhattan. Reminded me of the days in Aberdeen, when everyone headed to Rev to sit in the sun... Definitely a place to be when it starts to get warmer!

Saturday 9 March 2013

End of the first week

Yesterday, I finished my first week at the agency. It was great, I'm kept busy and everyone in the office is really nice! Met Willie and his friend from work, Lennart back at the flat and thought we'd try out Williamsburg in Brooklyn, which was amazing! Thinking about it, it's the first time in my life where I've had a job with weekends off... Definitely got that thing people go on about - 'that Friday feeling' - loved it. Here's a view from where I'm working -

Thursday 7 March 2013

The subway

Every morning I get the subway to work. I get two trains... The 7 train and then the N,Q or R train down to around Soho and China Town. I thought it would be a stressful daily experience... But there's always something different happening each day. Wether it's a musician in one of the stations, a nutcase on the train, or watching someone miss their stop because they were fast asleep... There's always something that makes me laugh or a wee smile. It makes a change to the days bussing it to school, where you knew exactly which stop each person would get on and off! Still miss the 41 bus though...

After being underground for up to 40mins, it's always nice walking up the subway steps into the centre of the city.

Monday 4 March 2013


Not a bad view to come home to after our first day! Willie treated me to some NY donuts and some beers! Great end to a great day! Cheers Willie!

View of Manhattan from our road

First day as New York interns...

Today is my birthday! But that's the last thing on my mind when I woke up! Today was our first day at work, and we were both pretty nervous! Being Mr pre cautious, I arrived outside my office building over an hour early... So I sat in Starbucks and used their free wifi.

When I got up into the office, everyone was great and very welcoming. Great spacious open plan office with 360 views of manhattan from the 14th floor! Il be here learning as much as I can in the next 3 months!

Breakfast finished and ready to go!

401 Broadway - My office for 3 months

Walter Schupfer Management

Au revoir!!

Saturday was our French friend Brice's last night in the flat after staying with us over the weekend. We are taking over the lease from him after he's been here for 6months! The great Frenchman lived up to expectations and provided a textbook spread for his leaving night!

Good spread!

Drinks in the flat early on

Friday 1 March 2013

Our Flat!!

After a few stressful days of trying to access our bank accounts... We finally got into our new flat in Long Island City and its brilliant! The location is 10minutes on the train from Times Square, and we have a New York skyline view from the end of our road! We are both very happy lads... Hope it looks after us over the next 3months!

Our building in Queens

Willie in the flat

The view from the end of our street

New York Public Library

It was our last day living in a hostel yesterday, before moving into our flat in Long Island City, Queens. We dumped the bags behind reception and went for a wander around the city. We decided to try out the New York public library, beautiful big building and also known for being the library in the film 'Day After Tomorrow', here are a few photos from our walk...