From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Friday 22 February 2013

The Flight

Willie and I had a great night out with his brother Alexander in Clapham last night, great food, good laugh and good times! 

Our flight was unreal... We were literally the only people in our entire cabin, so we sat down the front and took full advantage of the complimentary drinks... about 13 times infact. The 7 hour flight went very quickly and after over 100 visits to the toilet, 5 packets of pretzels each and a ridiculous amount of gin, we finally arrived in Newark airport in New Jersey. Both of us were ready for bed, but knew we were soon arriving in New York, and on a Friday night too! Off to Manhattan we go! 

One of many, while enjoying the view...
Willie and his window

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