From February - May 2013, I spent an incredible 3 months as a Photography Agency Intern in the heart of Manhattan.
Here's what I go up to...

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Rainy day in Times Square

Today, Willie met up with his Architecture practice to meet the team he'll be working with over the next 6 months. We both start our internships on Monday - both very excited, but slightly nervous! 

Bit of a miserable wet day today... Broken umbrellas littered the streets and Times Square wasn't it's usual colourful self.

Times Square, New York

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Lettuce & Meat Cleavers...

I knew that leaving Oban for New York was always going to be a slight contrast... I mean Oban has a population of about 10,000, whereas New York around 8.5 million.

But I think the differences really sunk in yesterday while watching the local NY news...

The Oban Times, Oban
Fox  News, New York

Monday 25 February 2013

Saturday 23 February 2013

First Day...

Today we met my old friend from Paramount Bar - Sarah, who's been a New Yorker the past few years. We had the best breakfast fit for a king - Bacon, cheddar cheese & Broccoli Omelette with a side of roast veg and potatoes... Increeeeedible! Always know a place has great food when nobody has time to talk as they are smashing into a fine bit of grub!

So the day started brilliantly... Sarah left for work and Willie and I had to crack on with our one and only job of the day - pay the $1000 deposit for our new flat in Queens. If only it was as nice and as simple as that. Firstly, the subway line to our part of Queens was closed, so we had to make a diversion, which made us late for our 1pm meet with the landlord. It was absolutely peeing it down and we needed to withdraw our half of the deposit from the cash machine... Willie gets his half with no bother, however no such luck with me. It exceeded the daily withdraw limit...  With the stress of being over 40 minutes late, soaked from head to toe, no access to money and in a completely new area... we were having an absolute nightmare. Back to the hostel to get more money, then repeat the journey back to Queens to pay up. Safe to say we were ready to get tucked in to a few drinks.

Plus side of the ordeal however, was spending a lot of time in this wee station...

Grand Central Station, New York

Friday 22 February 2013

The Flight

Willie and I had a great night out with his brother Alexander in Clapham last night, great food, good laugh and good times! 

Our flight was unreal... We were literally the only people in our entire cabin, so we sat down the front and took full advantage of the complimentary drinks... about 13 times infact. The 7 hour flight went very quickly and after over 100 visits to the toilet, 5 packets of pretzels each and a ridiculous amount of gin, we finally arrived in Newark airport in New Jersey. Both of us were ready for bed, but knew we were soon arriving in New York, and on a Friday night too! Off to Manhattan we go! 

One of many, while enjoying the view...
Willie and his window

Thursday 21 February 2013

All Aboard!

Today is the day...

After 7 months in Oban, working like a blue arsed fly, the day is finally here. I'm beginning the journey to New York City and it's finally hit me. I thought I'd start the adventure in style by traveling first class from Edinburgh - London... and a free microwaved steak & ale pie and 4 gin & tonics later, I decided to start this blog. Over the next 3 months I'll keep it updated with my daily adventures, so family and friends can share the experience. Hope you enjoy it!

Rory x

Waverley Station, Edinburgh